Bags that don't cost our home
Telobag is made of ingredients which are individually harmless to the environment, and together, they form a beautiful sustainable packaging.
Seeing is believing
At the end of its lifecycle, Telobag can be broken down and decomposed by both micro and macro organisms.
If Telobag is used only for organic stuffs such as food, organisms digest not only Telobag, but also the food waste inside, resulting in literal zero waste.
All of Telobag's ingredients are water-soluble and do not harm the environment.
Telobag dissolves in water
This means that Telobag requires a little more thoughtfulness to use.
In the video where animals were consuming Telobag, we mentioned the term hydro-philic. Hydro-phillic means that Telobag disintegrates and dissolves when exposed to a large body of water.
This is one of Telobag's strengths in combating the marine waste issue, but this also forces us to be more careful in handling Telobag. Hence, if you are disposing food waste, try to dry it before placing it inside the bag.